We are not monsters

February 1


GUEST: Shahd, young Palestinian activist and political writer living with her family in Gaza, is now missing and perhaps one of the tens of thousands murdered by the Israeli state.

UPDATE: Shahd is still alive and reporting on Gaza!

The long walk to Palestine’s freedom

I was so relieved to learn that Shahd has survived the Israeli genocide. She is now in the south of Gaza, but still writing about the trauma being endured by her people. The interview I did with her about a year ago is still so moving; I am glad I got a chance to air it again. 

Shahd pushes us to consider individuals and not the of thousands of body bags being created. Thinking about how our country is enabling this genocide makes you hate our murderous leaders, who care so little when their demented foreign policy requires the killing of Palestinian 12,000 children. Has our ruling class no morality at all? And has our experiment in democracy finally come to an end? For a nation that provides bombs and planes to expedite a genocide, could not be a government of the people, by the people, or for the people. We are not monsters, like the two party, pro war leaders who rule us. 

UPDATE: Shahd will be interviewed live from Gaza this Thursday! Gaza Unfiltered: Voices from the Ground. You can register through this link: https://natakallam.com/gaza-unfiltered-voices-from-the-ground/