Vote for a socialist

January 18


GUEST: Peter Dolack, writer for the Systemic Disorder Blog and author of "It's Not Over: Learning from the Socialist Experiment" talks about COP28 and how Big Oil will bring us all down.

Thanks for all the hamburgers

COP 28 was a joke. Funded by the countries that are the biggest oil producers, the pageantry was much ado about nothing. So why bother reporting on something that is a world wide fraud?

Peter unhesitatingly describes the end result of such a fraud. The world will collapse, with millions of people as refugees. Global warming will eventually turn every country into a tinderbox. Farmland will disappear, as will housing. People will starve.

All this is clear to our leaders, who will do nothing to change the system. They will all have their pictures taken at the conference, and hurry home for their next Big Oil check. It's a thoroughly corrupt system of the big corporations edging out the needs of people. 

Do we call it Capitalism? Or is it "savage" Capitalism, as described by the Pope. At the end, there will no public good, because there will be no public. Vote for a socialist next time, if we are going to have any chance at all.