The First Crusade captured Jerusalem in 1099

White, Christian countries in the West are showing the rest of the world how real charity works. When two million Muslims in Gaza face starvation, these good Christens decide to cut off all food aid to the open air prison. These same countries don't plan to stop selling bombs and rockets to Israel, the perpetrator of this genocide. God no, goodwill has its limits.

It's nothing personal. Israel claims that some aid workers were helping Hamas. These good Christian countries don't need any proof of that. Why would a country committing genocide lie to them?

Maybe these countries have forgotten what Jesus taught: Love, Generosity, and Peace. "The generous will themselves be blessed, for they share their food with the poor." (Proverbs 22:9). It could be that this proverb doesn't apply to Muslim children who are starving. Perhaps they are a shade too brown for lily white tastes.

To be truthful, these white, Christian countries have spread butchery far and wide in the Third World for the last thousand years. Their sordid "colonies" have killed millions, and sold millions more into slavery. It seams that their actual religion is the exact opposite of what their God has supposedly told them. Maybe Jesus on the cross is not a promise of salvation, but a warning to the rest of the world of the genocides yet to come.  

The First Crusade captured Jerusalem in 1099 and then massacred most of its Jewish and Muslim inhabitants. Onward Christian soldiers!

Fred Nagel