The revolution has started

June 6


GUEST: Jim Yanda, longtime civil rights activist and New York political organizer, talks about why he is working to elect Cornel West for president, and how his candidate exposes the US empire and its many wars of aggression in the Third World.

Cornel West as president

I thought this conversation with Jim Yanda was going to be interesting. How does an average American citizen move beyond the two party, worst of two evils conundrum? 

Most of Jim's arguments are quite logical. Both major parties favor the very rich in everything they do. The Supreme Court has made overt bribery the driving mechanism of our political system. The Zionists do it, and so do the major oil companies. If you have the cash, why you can write the laws. Voting for either of the major candidates for president is an exercise of wilful ignorance.

Are there any differences? Of course there are. Biden might be a little better on the environment, on LGBTQ rights, on civil liberties, abortion rights and labor issues. But the difference is actually quite small. The Democrats need these issues to run on, so prefer talk rather than action. We heard 8 years of peace talk from the Democrats while Bush was president. During the Obama wars, the peace movement disappeared. 

A major difference is that the Democrats seem to take more risks when it comes to a possible nuclear Armageddon. Trump at least talked about possible friendship with Russia and China. Blinken is a deranged Cold Warrior, as are many leaders of this current administration. 

So there you have it. The only sensible choice is Cornel West or Jill Stein. At least they are talking about how to turn the empire around. And when enough people start listening to them, why the revolution has started.