Ours is a system run amok.


May 23


GUEST: Claire Cousin, co-founder of the Hudson/ Catskill Housing Coalition, and the first Black woman elected to the Columbia County Board of Supervisors, talks about her run for NY State Assembly and her support for Palestine.

Claire Cousin for NY Assembly

This is what democracy looks like. Claire is a bright person who wants to do good in her community and in her country. She wouldn't end up on some corporate payroll, or looking the other way as Israel annihilates the Palestinian people. She can't be bought; she will never be part of the well bribed elite. 

To see our Congress falling all over itself to kiss the ass of that murderous of all leaders, Netanyahu, is to understand just how important Israeli cash is. Congress lets itself be bribed by one foreign country, the genocidal state that is dropping white phosphorus on all the children of Gaza. There is no shame. Our Senator Schumer and our president are drowning in billionaire donations. Ours is a system run amok. And it's just so amazing that once in a great while we get a real person to run. Vote for Claire Cousin over her Israeli paid opponent.