Using antisemitism as a weapon

The term antisemitism has completed its long journey from the Third Reich and the Holocaust to its new home with white supremacists in the United States. The Lawler Bill, which just passed in the House, defines any criticism of Israel as antisemitism and threatens our nation's colleges with loss of their non profit status. Listening to right wing politicians attacking our universities using antisemitism as a weapon seems beyond belief. These are the same politicians who want to put more Blacks in jail, send all immigrants back to where they came from, are openly homophobic and misogynistic, and who fervently believe that Jesus is coming down to kill all Jews in the Holy Land. In short, how did antisemitism become the battle cry for the fascist elements of our society?

Zionism is fascism, with all the trademarks of its violence, racism and nationalism. Zionists want control over what's discussed in our colleges and non profit organizations. That has always been a critical step in the fascist agenda.

Another step is the targeting of businesses based on ethnicity and religion, like the recent Zionist attack on the Petit Bistro, a Palestinian owned restaurant in Rhinebeck. Such assaults resemble Nazis tactics in 1938. In fact, the Israeli genocide of the Palestinians in Gaza is similar to the wholesale extermination of Jews and Gypsies that occurred during the Third Reich.

We must come together as a country and demand that this current fascist Zionist movement not destroy our democracy or our basic humanity.