Rather than listen to our nation's citizens

May 2


GUEST: Susan Smith, Director of Operations at the Fellowship of Reconciliation, Black Lives activist in Ferguson, former host of “From Ferguson to Palestine” radio program at Vassar College, and member of Islamic Relief USA, talks about her mission to break the blockade of Gaza as part of the Freedom Flotilla.

This is the ship

I have not heard from Susan, so I think she is still waiting for permission to sail. There is something familiar about international attempts to break the blockade of Gaza. Out of all the boats that have set sail, only one has ever made it to the beach and contact with the Palestinians. These three boats, loaded with food and medical supplies, are perticularly needed in this time of injury and famine.

Are the Israelis just so skillful at thwarting these flotillas? Or is there more going on? The US seems to be an observer, although a very poor one, since these stories seldom make it into The New York Times. Of course. the NYT is mostly a Zionist publication, and has many reasons for distorting the news, including its decades long fielty to the Pentagon and the nation's weapons makers.

I think that these boats never complete their journeys because the US is intent on stopping them. Israel doesn't really have the connections to disrupt these flotillas, but the empire certainly does. And the US doesn't want to be seen as the country that starved millions to death. Instead the US pulls the strings to stop the boats, and then just buries the story.

How else to keep the slaughter going while the majority of Americans want to stop the genocide? Our elites have long decided to do what they want, rather than listen to our nation's citizens.