Supporting genocide when the price is right

December 7


GUESTS: Jewish and labor union constituents question Congressmen Pat Ryan on his unwavering support of apartheid Israel, and on his recent vote to describe any criticism of Israel as antisemitism.

Antisemitism bill chips away at free speech

A couple of very large rallies in the Hudson Valley has Congressman Pat Ryan running scared. He won a close race for his seat in Congress, and once there has become a dependable supporter of the genocide in Palestine. He has all sorts of reasons for his pro-Israel statements. His wife is Jewish, as are his children. In public, that is about all he talks about when the issue of Palestine comes up. That and how Israel has a right to defend itself. Of course, apartheid and genocide has nothing to do with the right to defend one's own country. 

At a public meeting, I asked Ryan about the money he gets every year from the Israel Lobby. He denied getting any money at all. More recently, he has said that the contributions he gets from Israel are "insignificant." And yet, research done by the website Open Secrets tell a different story. In fact, their data bank makes interesting reading. Israel is spending tens of millions on Congress, all obscured by various pro-Israel groups in the US. Representatives like Pat Ryan are being paid quite well to look the other way while 6,500 Palestinian children are massacred.

I was lucky to get this recording of Jewish and labor groups questioning Pat Ryan. They don't give him much wiggle room, and why should they? Ryan is a member of a class that supports genocide when the price is right.