America is a killer state

There are events in history that reveal underlying truths about our society. The people of the United States are horrified by pictures of Gaza. Can it be that Israel killed 8,000 Palestinian children? And that our country supported and paid for this genocide?

The wealthy elite at the top of our supposed democracy aren't surprised at all. They rule the world with their high tech bombs and killing machines. Israel is their perfect partner in crime, doing the empire's dirty work in Third World countries. In Gaza, these two of the most powerful countries in the world are annihilating tens of thousands of people who are virtually defenseless.

Lesson one: America is a killer state and has been since the end of WW II. Not the citizens, of course. But their political leaders. Millions have been killed in US invasions, all based on crude lies.

Lesson two: America's ruling elite are completely corrupt. They are highly paid by the major weapons makers and by Israel itself. The man who accepted the most in Israeli bribes is our very own President Biden, pulling in a lifetime haul of $4,346,264 (

Lesson three: If we take to the streets we can shake up their devotion to greed and murder. We can expose them for the monsters they really are. We can throw a wrench into their vulgar political machine and lobby driven existence. There is no major party for working people, and this rule by the elite has got to go.

Fred Nagel