The recipe for empire

October 12


GUEST: Sara Flounders, co-director of the International Action Center, writer for the "Workers World" newspaper, and organizer of mass rallies against imperialism, talks about the US "Pivot to Asia" and the threat of endless wars.

Camp David alliance against China

It seems when we go from war to war, that we lose track of what we have lost and what we have gained. The US military is in so many areas of the world that every new development seems like a challenge to our authority. We drain more than half our wealth and resources just to fight wars for dominance in far away places. 

The left is acutely aware of our nation's imperial paranoia. Every attempt of a Third World country to rule itself sets off alarm bells. Soon our immensely profitable weapons makers are pushing for more military expenditures. And there doesn't seem to be any limit to the dangers the military industrial complex can conjure up for our nation. It is the recipe for empire, and the enslavement of our citizens to the god of war.