A familiar Western greed and hegemony


October 26

GUEST: John Pottinger, long time peace activist and investigative reporter for the Socialist Action Newsletter, talks about Niger and Northern Africa being caught in the crosshairs of US and French imperialism.


Niger in imperialist crosshairs

John Pottinger is an investigative reporter, willing to expose the imperialism of European and American interests in Northern Africa. It is all about robbing African people and taking their natural resources. 

Uranium is the country's biggest mining operation. But there are many more products to be extracted and sent to Europe and the US. None of the profits ever go to the miners and their families, no matter how dangerous their working conditions are, or how ruined their environment becomes. Nigeria is probably the best example in Africa. The extraction of oil has contaminated large sections of the country, and much of their drinking water is filled with chemicals. 

I noticed that this interview was downloaded by fewer stations on Pacifica than previous ones. Maybe Niger is not really in the news, now that the US and Israeli are committing genocide in the Holy Land. But racism and colonialism are the common bonds, and Palestinians as well as Africans are the victims of a familiar Western greed and hegemony.