Travesties of justice

August 31


GUEST: Jesse Nevel, National Chair of the Uhuru Solidarity Movement, and supporter of the African People's Solidarity Committee, talks about building white support for black power and the US government's accusation that he is a Russian agent.

Black Agenda Report

Jesse reminds us that Black people in the US do not need a Russian agent to tell them that they are being oppressed. But these are the charges that the FBI is making against the Uhuru Solidarity Movement. Offices of Uhuru have been broken into, with files and computers loaded up and taken away by the "Bureau." Now, three members of the group have been charged, one Black activist and two whites.

They face a 24 page indictment that charges them of being part of a seven year international scheme, all "orchestrated" by the Russian government. The Uhuru has already been sanctioned financially, a federal move that endangers their radio station.

Knowing the history of the FBI in suppressing leftist groups in the US, one can't be too surprised. The problem is that most Americans don't know the sordid history of the Bureau. Or how the FBI mixed racism, and paranoia in the 1961s to make the lives of Martin Luther King and Malcolm X difficult and precarious. The FBI is simply America's thought police.

And this assault on freedom of expression is just another reminder of the travesties that the Bureau is capable of. Read about the Holy Land Five and their campaign for justice.