Junkies of the military industrial complex

September 7


GUEST: Dr. Ivana Nikolić Hughes, President of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, Senior Lecturer at Columbia University, and member of the Scientific Advisory Group to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, talks about the overarching need to resist the new Cold War.

Dismantle the nuclear doomsday machine

Perhaps global warming and the threat of nuclear war provoke the same feeling in many people. Maybe it is like dying; you know its going to happen, but let's not think about that now. it is a wondrous response, allowing one to live despite knowing that everything will collapse one day, and you will be gone.

"And to live now as we think beings should live, in defiance of all that is bad around us, is itself a marvelous victory."  -Howard Zinn

But that same victory should not be used to accept global warming or nuclear war. For those things can be changed. And if we care at all about generations that come after us, we should be working night and day to turn our fossil fuel saturated and nuclear radiated planet around. 

For there are villains here. Billionaires are making a killing pumping oil. They are gorging on nuclear profits. They exist at the very heart of our political system, like some giant tapeworms, swimming through the body politic. They don't care if the planet dies. They are junkies of the military industrial complex, always spinning the wheel for one more gamble. 

They are psychopaths who will end all life on our planet. That is if we let them destroy what is beautiful and wonderful about the world around us.