Rise up again Julian Assange

July 6


GUEST: Dan Kovalik, Senior Research Fellow at the Council on Hemispheric Affairs, and professor of International Human Rights at the University of Pittsburgh School of Law, talks about his recent fact finding trip to Russia and Crimea.

Reflections on Russia & Crimea: The Hate Goes One Way


I was especially pleased to have Dan Kovalik on Activist Radio. There is so much warmongering in our mainstream media that people are literally dying because there is no alternative. 

Of course, NATO planned the invasion of Ukraine, gambling that Russia would have to respond to a coup that made Ukraine part of Europe. Now the US is simply spending all our tax dollars to continue a senseless war. Same as the last war, and the one before that. Weapons makers are gobbling up every dollar that that could have been used to restore the American Dream.
Meanwhile, the US public is being to taught to fear and hate Russia. There just isn't another narrative to be had. I am just so sick of the Pentagon planners and right wing think tank annalists on NPR who speak so seriously about freedom and democracy. When is the last time the empire cared about freedom and democracy? Could it be that easy to fool the American people?  Come back, Daniel Ellsberg; rise up again Julian Assange.