The New Cold War and speciocide


January 6

GUEST: Ted Snider, an analyst of U.S. foreign policy, columnist at, and frequent contributor to Truthout and Mondoweiss, talks about the dangers and lies of America's New Cold War.

Ted Snider on Mondoweiss

This is a cartoon from an Indian newspaper. The diminutive tiger represents another nuclear power hopefully staying out of way of the impending confrontation. 

We all hope to stay out of the way. But in this smaller world, one nuclear exchange will end up threatening everyone. There is no country or people who will be immune. Yes, we will all learn the meaning the word, speciocide

Like global warming, most people try to avoid the worst that could happen until it rips the roof off their house. The leaders of this decade are just gamblers, unwilling to sacrifice their careers to tell the truth. And we have seen a measurable decline in state responsibility since the 1980s. Bribes are now legal, and the rich and their corporations have been very successful in buying up anyone who runs for office. Both parties now belong to the very rich, who dream of spaceships to help them escape the doom that we all see coming. 

We survived one Cold War, and perhaps we will be very lucky again. Analysts like Ted Snider ask us to take another look. Must we all be passive until its over? Must we accept what the pro-war media feeds us every day? Must our political discourse be one set of lies against another? Or is speciocide the evolutionary price we will all pay for failing to adapt?