The Ministry of Peace concerns itself with war

January 13

PRESENTE! We remember Chuck Kaufman, grass roots organizer and cofounder of Alliance for Global Justice, talking about his life's work, confronting US imperialism, neoliberalism and oppression in Latin America.

The Alliance for Global Justice

How much power does Nicaragua, a small country in Central America, really have? And why does the full force of the US Empire continually try to frustrate the will of the Nicaraguan people?

I think the answer requires a new look at US foreign policy. The empire demands that all resources in the Third World be open to commercial exploitation. Countries that try to divert profits to benefit their own people always run into trouble.

So the history of the Nicaraguan revolution shows us what our corporate controlled foreign policy really is: the crushing of any truly democratic reform in countries under US domination. Thus our approach to the world is singularly anti-democratic, despite the fact that almost all our military invasions and occupations of other countries is done in the name of protecting democratic rights. Yes, our foreign policy is exactly opposite to what our leaders say it is. 

The Ministry of Peace concerns itself with war, the Ministry of Truth with lies, the Ministry of Love with torture and the Ministry of Plenty with starvation. These contradictions are not accidental, nor do they result from from ordinary hypocrisy: they are deliberate exercises in doublethink. -George Orwell
Nicaragua is a danger to the empire in that it presents a mirror to its failings. People like Chuck Kaufman are unafraid to hold up that mirror so that all of us can see. Let us remember the heroes of this age who dedicated their lives to the truth. The rest of us are sometime revolutionaries, but we can recognize their great courage. Presente! You will always be with us.