Idealistic beginnings

Here is the email I received last night from "The Blogger Team" at Google. Looks like the team had discovered some malware or virus on this blog posting and one other. And the postings were gone, leaving nothing but blank space.

As you may know, our Community Guidelines ( describe the boundaries for what we allow-- and don't allow-- on Blogger. Your post titled "Our everlasting complacency" was flagged to us for review. We have determined that it violates our guidelines and deleted the post, previously at 

Why was your blog post deleted?

Your content has violated our Malware and Viruses policy. Please visit our Community Guidelines page linked in this email to learn more. 

We encourage you to review the full content of your blog posts to make sure they are in line with our standards as additional violations could result in termination of your blog.
For more information, please review the following resources:

Terms of Service:
Blogger Community Guidelines:


   The Blogger Team

Visiting the "Community Guidelines" page produced nothing more than the above statement. Where had the posting disappeared to? And why? Were the links I provided really virus laden? Or perhaps it was the  jpgs?

One other posting was also identified as virus laden and it too was taken down.

 As you may know, our Community Guidelines ( describe the boundaries for what we allow-- and don't allow-- on Blogger. Your post titled "Courtney's photographs point the way" was flagged to us for review. We have determined that it violates our guidelines and deleted the post, previously at

And who was I supposed to contact to figure out how to rid my blog of the supposed malware and viruses? The email came from and there were no other links except the very general ones above.

Was there really a "team" working on this at all, or  just a computer program that was not well thought out?

This morning I got another message from the team:


We have re-evaluated the post titled "Our everlasting complacency" against Community Guidelines Upon review, the post has been reinstated. You may access the post at


   The Blogger Team

No mention of how the team had re-evaluated the postings (I got a similar email about the other one). But there the postings were again, and I was able to upload them to the blog. 

I makes me understand how dependent we are on these giant internet corporations. Somewhere in the distant past Google proclaimed "Do no evil," although the statement was eventually deleted from Google's Code of Conduct. I wonder if the team knows about it? Do computer programs have some old code like that lying around?

So someday if this whole blog is gone, please realize that it wasn't me, but some poorly written code from our internet giant who has moved on from its idealistic beginnings.