Giving us hope that our system isn't too far gone

May 6

GUEST: Chuck Collins, author, activist and Director of the Program on Inequality and the Common Good at the Institute for Policy Studies, talks about his most recent book, The Wealth Hoarders: How Billionaires Spend Millions to Hide Trillions.

The Wealth Hoarders by Chuck Collins

Chuck Collins is one of my favorite guests. His books are about as clear as one can get about the last several decades. We are now officially ruled by the very rich, who pour funds into all the coffers of our elected officials. 

And these investments in candidates have really paid off for our richest of citizens. They pay virtually no taxes, and the IRS is so pitifully underfunded that nobody looks at their dubiously legal tax evasions.

The goal is to perpetuate wealth for generations to come, turning the US into a caste system for working people. Of course, our democracy gets shattered in the process. Money becomes more important than serving the people, and eventually the majority looses confidence in the corrupt system. When that happens, tens of millions will follow anyone promising to "drain the swamp." 

Obama promised to drain the swamp (Change we can believe in). Over the last several decades, our country has had its share of fraudsters and con artists, always lying to the public and setting the stage for an even worse leader. The ignorant and unstable Donald Trump revealed what happens when the public gets lied to for generations.

As I write this, Biden is increasing the funds for the IRS. Taxes on capital gains taxes and inheritance are in the works too. Collins' new book is really the only place our members of Congress need to go to. He spells out all the necessary changes, and give us hope that our system isn't too far gone yet.