So much less wisdom than the average citizen


September 24

GUEST: Mike Monetta, National Director of Wolf-PAC, an organization dedicated to working across the states to stop corruption at the federal level and in Congress, talks about ways to end the wholesale buying of politicians by the major corporations.

Wolf-PAC, the organization

As the nation loses confidence in the two party system, what will take its place? As we enter a new election cycle, many of us doubt that either the Republicans or the Democrats really care about what's best for the vast majority of America's working people. 

Will it be a Trump inspired fascism, a fateful alliance of the very rich, the very racist, and the religious right? And how will we be delivered into that new and oppressive political system? Electoral fraud? Armed white nationalists terrorizing election workers? A newly created, far right Supreme Court?

It seems like something will happen this time around. With Sleepy Joe and Demented Donald, we seem to have been propelled back into the late stages of the Roman Empire, when crazed leaders had so much less wisdom than the average citizen. 

Wolf-PAC is an idea that works its way around the disfunction that is the two party, corporate controlled state. It's a grassroots movement to take big money out of our elections, and it has already gained a lot of traction. The goal is to have states pass this type of radical election reform, effectively throwing the kleptocracy out. 

Wolf-PAC hasn't been bought out by the rich elite and their giant corporations yet. It seem like a logical place to begin a restoration of our democracy.