I played "Revolution" by Nina Simone

September 3

GUEST: Chuck Collins, writer and a senior scholar at the Institute for Policy Studies and coauthor of a new study entitled "Gilded Giving 2020: How Wealth Inequality Distorts Philanthropy and Imperils Democracy," talks about the institute's plan to reform what charity giving can be deducted for those at the top of the income scale.

White Supremacy is the Pre-existing Condition

Giving is complicated if you have a lot of money. It is a great way to avoid millions in taxes, robbing the poor in the process. When the rich give, it is often not really handing their money to anyone. Donner advised funds let these billionaires hire their friends and relatives, pursue right wing causes, and influence elections. All they need is good accountants and lawyers to set things up. Chuck Collins reveals this giving scam in "Gilded Giving 2020," a depressing exploration of how billions of dollars in wealth keep going to the very richest.

He doesn't avoid the confluence of race and class when it comes to thievery. Our system of racial disparities always robs the poor the most. And usually these poor people are Black. Readers don't have to follow the math to get the idea. Phony "giving" is just one more tool for robbing everyone, especially the most vulnerable.

Of course Trump is king when it comes to shady deals and seedy frauds. But Biden has been on the take from the rich and powerful much longer than our demented President. So no matter who wins the election, the very rich will reap the greatest rewards. And Black people will continue to fight for their very survival in the lowest caste that our great land of liberty has deposited them.

I played "Revolution" by Nina Simone during the break.