Secret racists have more insidious goals

December 20

GUEST: Donna Nevel, psychologist, educator, and founding member of Facing the Nakba Project, Jews Say No!, Network Against Islamophobia, and Jews for Racial and Economic Justice,  talks about her resent research that reveals how the Jewish United Fund (JUF) pays for racist and Islamophobic campaigns in the US.

Defund Islamophobia Now | HuffPost

Donna Nevel is an unstoppable force, using her intellect and sense of justice to make it hot for the secret racists of our time. Not the obvious racists who walk around looking for someone different to beat up. Secret racists have more insidious goals, and in the process hurt more people in the end. Take a look at the Jewish United Fund paying for hate campaigns directed at Muslim in America.

With close ties to Israeli, the Jewish United Fund spreads Islamophobia to take the pressure off the apartheid state. Five million Palestinians have been subjected to beatings, shootings and calculated deprivations in one of the longest running occupations in modern history. But don't think about that; just consider how Muslims are trying to undermine our culture and our democratic institutions. The JUF knows how to spread fear and hate to achieve its political ends.

Of course, many working for Palestinian human rights are themselves Jewish. They are as vulnerable to racism as any religious or ethnic minority in the United States. That is why fanning the flames of racism is so dangerous. Zionists have allied with Trump and his far right nationalists, and their agenda is deeply antisemitic.

Perhaps that is why so many Jewish activists condemn what the Jewish United Fund has done. In its drive to protect Israel, it has undermined the very racial tolerance that all of us depend on to live together in peace.