Children eat animal feed

In Gaza, the children eat animal feed, the lucky ones who find it. Those without carry their pans and bowls around, looking for anything to fill them.

In the past, such things would be hidden from us. We were mostly spared what our military machine did to children in Korea or Viet Nam. In both invasions and occupations, the US killed millions and bombed whole countries to rubble. Many citizens suspected what was going on, but didn't have to face it. This time, there is no end to pictures of desperate children. Their bowls will remain empty, and we will eventually see their small bodies curled up somewhere in the blasted concrete.

I would like to forget feeding Joe Biden for a couple of days, just so he knows what it's like. I would like to shut off water to the Pentagon so they have to drink from their toilets. I wish I could take all the money that Rep. Pat Ryan gets from the criminal pro-Israel Lobby and spend it on bread for Gaza. I would like to burn my tax dollars so that they don't buy missiles and bombs for those monsters who kill the children in God's name.

Our Military Industrial Complex is the most sinister organization in the world. They plan how to enrich themselves by butchering civilians in the Third World.

"Let me ask you one question, Is your money that good? Will it buy you forgiveness, Do you think that it could?"            -Bob Dylan

Fred Nagel