Their own Nuremberg Tribunal

April 18


GUEST: Dr. Paul Larudee, Fulbright-Hays lecturer and government adviser in the Middle East, co-founder of the Free Palestine and Free Gaza Movements, and crew member aboard the Gaza Freedom Flotilla, talks about the incredible sacrifices that Palestinians are making to free themselves from Israeli occupation and genocide.

Palestine’s Sacrifice

Paul has some liberating ideas on Israel's genocide in Gaza. His reasoning is often far from the mainstream analysis, but that's because our media and our politicians are actively working for the annihilation of two million plus Palestinians.

How can the citizens of such a country ever bring themselves to support what their two, pro war parties have wrought? The US forces a mass murder on the psyche of the American people every twenty or so years. The bloodletting in Vietnam has never been internalized, much less accepted by the public. The invasion of Iraq killed millions more, and we forced a famine on the population of Afghanistan when our military occupation was finally brought to an end.

Maybe that is how genocide works. Any country that supports mass murder will eventually be charged with war crimes and crimes against humanity. In Gaza, the evidence is overwhelming that the US has blood on its hands. Looking back for the last seventy years, we can see a pattern of military aggression unmatched in the rest of the world. And when asked, the people of the world always say that the United States is the biggest threat to world peace. Maybe when our citizens finally realize what we have done, there will be a sea change and our leaders will be sent to their own Nuremberg Tribunal.