We get a little shot of Law and Disorder this week

December 28


GUEST: Michael Smith, author, attorney, former board member of the Center for Constitutional Rights, and cohost of the radio show Law and Disorder, talks about Zionism, antisemitism, and the genocide in Gaza.

Genocide is not a Jewish value

Genocide and antisemitism are on the rise. Israel commits genocide in Gaza, and the Israel Lobby tries to cover up all those dead children with claims that the Jewish people are the true victims. The Lobby has no morals, of course. But what they do have is power. The Israel Lobby plans to spend at least 100 million dollars in the next elections trying to defeat any member of Congress who questions US aid to the apartheid state. Zionism knows how to play our thoroughly corrupted system.

In trying to defeat progressive representatives, the Israel Lobby has married the far right, Christian fundamentalists. And the stench of their marriage bed can be smelled around the world. Israel is a pariah nation, and its murderous ways have been condemned by a huge number of UN members. Just two days ago, South Africa charged Israel with the war crime of genocide in the International Court Of Justice. It is a charge that may stick, and if it does the US stands to be publicly shamed. If Israel is convicted, the US is sure to be named a co-conspirator. 

Friends ask me about voting for Biden, to avoid the fascist nightmare of a Trump presidency. But I simply can't vote for a person who commits genocide. I don't know what will happen to our country, but voting for a war criminal would make me part of the Palestinian genocide. I know millions will hold their noses and vote for Biden. But at what personal cost? So they can go on living a comfortable, middle class life? So they can join the ranks of the "good Germans" who could smell the gas chambers but tried not to think about it.