Behind this horrific carnage

November 9


GUEST: Talal Jabari, Palestinian journalist, award winning documentary filmmaker and managing director of Radio Alam, an Arabic-language talk radio station, talks about the current uprising against Israel's genocide of the Palestinian people.

Award winning filmmaker

Talal has been on Activist Radio before. His thoughts seem to come through the lens of his camera; there is a lot of detail to be had. And the full realization of US hypocrisy is always recognizable, right below the surface. 

How can the elite decision makers of our country be so ruthless? How are they able to support and even pay for the carnage visited on millions of Palestinian people. Do they think about those small body bags, all lined up like sardines. Five thousand of them in the first month of high tech onslaught.

Members of Congress aren't stupid; they are war criminals. And if our governmental leaders can do that to another population, what might they do to the 99 percent in the US who are not rich and isolated from life's traumas.

If there ever was a time to put ourselves on the line, this genocide of the Palestinians is it. We can watch it on our computer screens. We can read about it in our newspapers. We see the mountains of debris, with family members trying to dig through it with their hands. Can nothing touch the empire that is behind this horrific carnage?