When war is on the horizon, no one is really safe

June 8


GUEST: K.J. Noh is a peace activist and scholar on the geopolitics of the Asian continent who writes for Counterpunch and Dissident Voice. He is special correspondent for KPFA Flashpoints on the Pivot to Asia, the Koreas, and the Pacific.

China as holocaust sanctuary


K.J. Noh was an interesting guest to have on Activist Radio, in part because he knows so much Asian history. Americans know so very little, and our propaganda drenched media tries to keep it that way. His retelling of the Korean War explains so many things that I went back and listened to that section several times. In fact, the recent history of the region makes little sense unless looked at through the lens of US militarism. Then we of can understand that the "pivot to Asia" is essentially a Pentagon pivot to war.

And since we are coming ever closer to war with both Russia and China, will our free media be the first casualty? I am not talking about the NYT or NPR, standard bearers for the "Project for the New American Century." When the nukes start flying, our mainstream media will certainly have done more than their share in moving the US to war.

I worry about the smaller antiwar news sources. Will they be charged with working for China or Russia? Will they be called treasonous spreaders of anti US propaganda? That has certainly happened before in our history. Eugene Debs, a socialist candidate for president, was arrested and given jail time for opposing the First World War. Wars of aggression and the suppression of freedom of speech are as American as apple pie. 

"ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. (WFLA) — Four leaders of the African People’s Socialist Party, including the chairman and founder of the Uhuru Movement, located in St. Petersburg, were indicted alongside three Russian nationals for their alleged ties to a foreign campaign with the “main topic” of influencing the U.S. presidential election." - News Channel 8

What are these members of the Uhuru movement being charged with? “[Sowing] discord and [spreading] pro-Russian propaganda.” Could K.J. Noh be accused of doing the same thing? And could Activist Radio be dragged in for criticizing our mainstream media's warmongering?

Never underestimate the US Empire. When war is on the horizon, no one is really safe.