Elites don't read poetry or think about their grandchildren

Joe Biden may well put us over the top. From the vast oil fields of Alaska now open for business, to the tanks, planes and warships making their way to Ukraine and Taiwan, these assaults on reason threaten the very survival of our species.

We know that the world must drastically reduce its use of fossil fuel, but some greedy billionaires are willing to risk it all for a few more zeros after their net worth. If that weren't enough, we are challenging the other two nuclear superpowers of the world to a game of chicken. It seems as if the empire has lost its head.

Must the people of our planet choose between burning up from climate change or freezing to death from a nuclear winter? "Some say the world will end in fire, Some say in ice." Robert Frost seems to have foreseen our fate back in 1920.

So is it death by Joe Biden, or by that fascist crook who would rule us through ignorance. racism and greed? Isn't a democracy about having better choices? But of course, ours is a plutocracy, the rule of the very rich. Elites don't read poetry or think about their grandchildren. They accumulate money in some of the most despicable ways, by cheating workers, starving poor children, and perpetuating our present system of mutual and guaranteed military annihilation. Let the ruling class fly away in their rocket ships, so that the rest of us don't have to debase ourselves by wringing their necks.