The termination of that most creative and aggressive of species

August 25

GUEST: Melvin A. Goodman, author, senior fellow at the Center for International Policy in Washington, DC, former CIA analyst, and professor of international security at the Department of Defense's National War College, talks about the warmongering of Henry Kissinger.

Henry Kissinger: A Warmonger’s Lying Continues

It felt more familiar talking about US foreign policy with Melvin Goodman. His encyclopedic knowledge of CIA history supports his analysis of both US leaders and the American Empire. He isn't afraid to point out Kissinger's mistakes either. In fact, we both share a particular distaste for this most manipulative and ruthless of national security advisors. 

Melvin's judgements are limited to Kissinger's effectiveness and his penchant for aggrandizing his own successes. Even the costs of American militarism are quantified by counting the billions wasted in pursuing American "interests" in the rest of the world. Less explored is the morality of waging wars of aggression, torturing prisoners in black sites, and assassinating leaders in foreign countries. 

Does the American Empire even make sense in a nuclear age? Will its successes herald in a new era of war, climate collapse and the termination of that most creative and aggressive of species, the Homo sapiens?