July 7
GUEST: Lawrence Wilkerson, retired United States Army Colonel and former chief of staff to U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell, talks about NATO, US military bases and our current dangerous drift towards war.
Overseas Bases
If one starts with the facts about NATO, and then looks at its expansion over the last several decades, there is only one answer for achieving peace with Russia. We have to stop threatening our archrival with NATO bases.
That would be the sensible thing to do. What isn't sensible is turning Eastern Europe into a NATO stronghold with missiles pointed at Moscow. In fact, that expansion of NATO is insane, given the fact that either the US or Russia could end life on earth with a single missile launching. Why risk our planet and our species on empire building?
But the facts are all there, and empire building is what our country is doing in Eastern Europe. In fact, the US is building its empire all over the world, and spending all our money on 800 or more military bases abroad. That brings us to the next fairly obviously conclusion, that US foreign policy is fashioned to make billions for our highly monopolized and hugely profitable war industry. Ukraine is being turned into a giant killing field, all to profit those who are billionaires already.
It is not a system run amok; it is system that is suicidal. Risking nuclear war again and again is like playing Russian roulette until one has a hole in the head. Billionaires, like the rest of us, will have nowhere to go in that nuclear winter they will have created. Our leaders are simply criminally insane.