May 12
GUEST: Cora Weiss, President of The Hague Appeal for Peace and long time activist for disarmament, women's liberation, and civil rights, talks about her leadership roles in our nation's movements for disarmament and international peace.
About Cora Weiss
Peace Action invite to 40th anniversary of NYC million person march (May 19)
I was very happy to have Cora Weiss on Activist Radio. We talked about that glorious day 40 years ago, when the world seemed about to turn against militarism and mutual destruction.
And for a time our leaders paid attention. Even Ronald Reagan negotiated with the Soviet Union to cut back nuclear weapons. It was late in his presidency, and perhaps he had forgotten all the ways to talk about peace while preparing for war. It was a nasty surprise for his aids, who were horrified at what he was doing in Reykjavik, Iceland.
If it weren't for space weaponry that Reagan held so dear, why both leaders might have given up nuclear weapons all together.
And the people in the streets below
Were dancing round and round
And guns and swords and uniforms
Were scattered on the ground
Last night I had the strangest dreamI ever dreamed beforeI dreamed the world had all agreedTo put an end to war
How to begin putting pressure on our leaders to wage peace instead of war? Well, first we have to organize a resistance by getting rid of warmongers like Biden and Blinken. In fact, it is time to ditch both parties and build a peace movement that has clout. In the process, we might just reclaim our democracy.