Workers will have a chance when the empire falls

November 4

GUEST: Pete Dolack, activist, writer, poet and author of the book It's Not Over: Learning from the Socialist Experiment, talks about US workers' rights and how badly employees are treated in the land of the free.

It’s Not Over: Learning from the Socialist Experiment

It's what American workers don't know that is most troubling. In short, workers in other developed countries have universal healthcare, paid leave, childcare, a 40 hour week and paid vacations. Workers here have none of these, and the US media works hard to keep them in the dark. 

Instead of benefits, workers in the US get right wing patriotism, militarism and racism. There is really no political party that offers anything else. The Democrats, bloated by millions from the very rich and the corporations, can talk about economic justice, but it is mostly show. We must remember that Barak Obama was elected by a wave of working people who were hoping for something more. Productivity was way up, but salaries and benefits lagged way behind what the rest of the developed world was getting. Early in his administration, he controlled both houses, yet decided to ignore a bill he promised to fight for, the Employee Free Choice Act. And the ever compliant media buried the story.

The way to support workers' rights is probably through education. Other countries have finally overthrown their two party systems by starting a third party devoted to labor. Most of the Scandinavian countries have gone this route, and even waiters there are paid a wage that supports their families. It can be done here, but it would mean overcoming the two party system, forming a separate labor media, and ending this country's dependence on endless wars. In short, workers will have a chance when the empire falls. Until then, working people will continue to suffer at the hands of the military industrial kleptocracy.