July 8
GUEST: Jane Hirschmann, author, psychotherapist, and co-founder of Jews Say No, talks about her work as co-chair of the Freedom2Boycott NYS Coalition.
Jane Hirschmann in Truthout
It was a pleasure talking with Jane Hirschmann about her life and her devotion to human rights. "Never again" to Jane means that society should never again allow what was done to Jews during the Nazi era. That means putting human rights first, above religion or national identity. It is simply the belief that all people should be valued, not such a radical concept in a world now dependent on peace for its very survival. Or as Pete Seeger sang it, "We will love or we will parish."
That's not to say that we should erase our identities. Quite the opposite. But we should try to cherish the humanity in all of us. We seem naturally able to do that with babies. We love them because we can identify with almost every one of their emotions, from delight to screaming rage. And loving a baby fills our bodies with that sweetest of all nectar, the feeling of loving another.
The fight for human rights offers a similar gratification. Love of all humanity can be a salvation in a troubled time. People like Jane Hirschmann, can show us the way.