December 3
GUEST: Sunsara Taylor, former co-host of the weekly WBAI-FM radio show Equal Time for Free Thought, political writer (Revolution and Truthdig), and frequent guest on Fox New (The O'Reilly Factor, Tucker Carlson, and the Sean Hannity Show), talks about her current work as part of the organization Refuse Fascism.In the Name of Humanity We Refuse To Accept a Fascist America
Sunsara has stories to tell. While so many liberals hope that there will be opposition to the white nationalists in the nation's streets, Sunsara and the Revolutionary Communist Party are there. When liberals change the station before Tucker Carlson comes on, Sunsara is lining up to debate him on the air. What makes people like Sunsara Taylor? And why can't we have more of them?
Our stifled media is one reason we can't. Corporate media defines the scope and boundaries or our national discourse. Now that the Democrats have won the presidency, the story of social justice and reform is over. In this narrow discourse, all change means either voting in a Republican or a Democrat. After that, our media focuses on such things as the Russian hacking of government computers. The Russians are coming, again! No proof needed on tabloid stories like this.
Sunsara focuses her media efforts on real issues like racism, economic disparities, and US militarism abroad. That is exactly what our mainstream media does its best to avoid. Even AOC's fight to change the direction of the corporatized Democratic Party is of little interest to influential media like The New York Times.
Do we have to join a revolutionary party to take leave of the corporate controlled, two party duopoly? Yes, we probably do. Few of us will be able to match Sunsara's energy and kick ass mentality. But talking to her gives one the impression that there is a whole new world of resistance ready to shake this empire to its rotten core.