Were our government made up of Laurette Giardinos

July 23

GUEST: Laurette Giardino, human rights activist and 2020 Democratic candidate running for New York State Assembly of the 105th district, talks about why she supports the NY Healthcare Act, green jobs, alternative energy, criminal justice reform, and getting the rich to pay their fair share of taxes.

Laurette Giardino for NY State Assembly 105th District

Harckham Honors Two District LGBTQ Leaders for Pride Month

Laurette was a joy to interview. She has strong beliefs in justice, equality, and personal freedom. She is even willing to run on that platform for the NYS Assembly. She wants universal healthcare, and hasn't been bought off by the big insurance companies and pharmaceuticals. She is for the Green New Deal, and hasn't taken any money from Big Oil. She is for racial justice and not afraid to talk about what changes need to be made.

In short, she is putting forth a people's agenda, free from the dominance of the nation's billionaires. How is this even possible in a society so inundated with the filthy money of the privileged few?

I think it comes down to Barnie and the progressive movement in this country that just never stopped saying what should be said. That the very rich incite racial hatreds as a way to maintain their power and money. That working people can stand together and make the rich pay their fair share if they expect to enjoy the benefits and protections of our society.

Were our government made up of Laurette Giardinos.