We really don't want to know

March 12

GUEST: Karen Spring, human rights defender, researcher and currently the Honduras-based Coordinator for the Honduras Solidarity Network (HSN), talks about the country's history and the ongoing oppression of the US backed dictator there. 

Hillary promoted the Honduras coup and era of violence

Karen Spring is a dedicated activist who is not afraid to tell the world what she and others have seen in Honduras. It is a familiar story of a US coup against an elected president, and the US backed repression of the people under a brutal dictator.

Part of the story is about US business interests that dictate our neoliberal foreign policy. These corporations are killers, and join the dictator in torturing and disappearing labor, environmental, and human rights activists.

What stories of countries in Latin America are any different? Our country is always the oppressor, and always it is about money to be made through debt, coercion and violence. The empire has always moved through Latin America like the Corona virus. Stack up the bodies, build the dams, mine the natural resources, establish the mono-crops.

The last step is for US citizens to remain ignorant. The national media works overtime to keep our limited curiosity satisfied with neoliberal economic reasoning. Maybe we really don't want to know.
Few of us can easily surrender our belief that society must somehow make sense. The thought that the State has lost its mind and is punishing so many innocent people is intolerable. And so the evidence has to be internally denied. - Arthur Miller