Generations following behind us

February 20

GUEST: Steve Hoffman, labor activist in the Washington Federation of State Employees, and former Freedom Socialist Party candidate for US Senate from Washington state, talks to us about the return of the strike, and how labor is "getting its mojo back."

Freedom Socialist Party candidate

Yes, there are the billionaires, who dominate our political discourse as well as elections. It is a natural consequence of a society that puts no limits on the greed and plunder at the top. A fascist society as it turns out. To "drain the swamp," we elected a demagogue who just might put an end to the entire democratic charade.

But there is a resource in our country that is pushing for something different. We saw it in Occupy, when the labor unions marched in to protect the Wall Street encampment. It was early morning just before the first sunlight came through the trees. There were thousands of us standing in a huge circle around Zuccotti Park as thousands more union members came down the street to join us. I remember thinking that this is what the end of neoliberalism will look like. Here was joy that we all had worked so hard to achieve.

Occupy was crushed by the plutocrats, led by the biggest sellout of them all, our President Obama.   How could the Democratic Party show its face after such a betrayal?

The left, however, remained standing. People like Steve Hoffman who will always be there to fight another day. If we can't change the Democratic Party by nominating Bernie, we will go on to break the two party system for good. We will all be there another day, and this time there are generations following behind us.