Taking the resistance to the next level

December 19

GUEST: Creek Iversen, naturalist, environmental educator, summer camp co-coordinator, and sustainable community farmer, talks about the resistance to the massive Cricket Valley fracked gas plant being built in Dutchess County, NY.

Cricket Valley Shut Down

It was a cold day to be at the top of an enormous fracking plant tower. Yet Creek and several other activists held their ground, delaying for another day the construction of the largest frack gas plant in New York State.

Plants like this will spew climate killing gases into the atmosphere for the next several decades, insuring that disasters like the conflagration of Australia will be happening all over the word. The pipelines supplying this plant are almost as bad. They are huge and accident prone due to poor government regulations. Not only do they jeopardize farms and small towns, but larger spills can mean the death of regional aquifers that serve millions of people.

Fracking is fossil fuels gone mad. At the bottom of all this are the neoliberal criminals intent on squeezing the last dollar out of their poisonous investments. I like to think that some day, as our world collapses around us, these CEOs will be dragged out of their gated communities to face justice.

In the meantime, let's congratulate people like Creek Iversen who has taken the resistance to the next level.