Continuing the extermination of Native Americans

March 7

GUEST: Eli Kassirer, back from the Buffalo Field Campaign protecting the last wild Bison, talks about animal rights, conservation and his adventures protecting the buffalo.

This year, Eli was involved with more than following the migration of buffalo from dawn to dusk. He attended some rallies designed to build momentum for the preservation of the original American bison.

A few miles away one can find herds of hybrid animals raised for meat. But the varieties of these animals do not carry a significant amount of bison DNA to counterbalance the extermination of the bison species.

Ending the hunting of the original bison is the only way that we can insure this species will survive. It is inconceivable that white Americans are still slaughtering the bison, so important to native American culture. Or maybe it is not so surprising. Genocide often is more subtile than the murdering of those who are different. It is often the erasure of their culture and traditions. By erasing the buffalo, we continue the extermination of Native Americans.