Guest: Greg Perry, Vassar student and Editor of the “Chronicle,” Vassar’s hard hitting, political journal, talks about freedom of expression at an elite, liberal arts college.
I found my self defending the system at times. Not because I think it is defensible, but because I don't want Greg's generation to be overwhelmed with the power and omnipotence of the empire. Yes, it is all one gargantuan system, but we can chew away at the wires and short circuit what we can.
A little mouse got into the wires
At the central clearing house in Buenos Aires.
One little mouse short circuited the computers,
Says a press dispatch from Reuters.
Hooray for the little mouse
That fucked up the clearing house,
And threw the Stock Exchange in a spin
And made the bankers cry.
So much for the electronic brains,
That run the world of banks and aeroplanes,
And if one little mouse can set them all awry,
Why not you and I? - Malvina Reynolds
So to Greg and the students at the Vassar Chronicle, I say, "Why not you and I?"