GUEST: Amy Dalton, an activist from Rockland Co, talks about the work of the Stony Point Center in combining locally sourced food with social justice issues, including their farm to table gala on Oct. 26.
Amy is part of an intentional community that has decided to use homegrown foods to finance its social justice initiatives. Gary and I asked questions about food justice in the Hudson Valley. Can the rich just buy their way out of eating poisoned food, while the poor are left with all the unregulated products that come out of Big Ag? In an era of privatization, the wealthy buy organic while the inner cities get pesticides and GE produce.
Perhaps intentional communities organized around food are a way to fight back. Maybe they are they the beginning of a regionalized breakaway from the corporate state? Could the empire just melt away someday like the Wicked Witch of the West, leaving thriving mini communities in its place?
Amy and millions like her around the world are experimenting with post capitalist social orders. The conversation covers growing kale and driving veggie cars, but the vision is all about the replacement of a system based on murderous exploitation.