The Self Awareness Of Empire

The holocaust of the Palestinians is upon us. The ongoing eradication of two million people isn't really hidden, nor is the fact that the US is the major driver for the butchery. We supply the bombs and the planes to make it happen. We send billions upon billions to Israel just in case they run out of money while pulverizing hospitals, schools and apartment buildings. And we defend Israel's crimes against humanity at the UN, making sure that the killing can go on without international interference.

Joe Sacco

But what has this genocide taught us about our own society? We don't have two political parties when it come to supporting this carnage; we have only one. They can demonize each other, but would never question the slaughter in Gaza, the West Bank, and now Lebanon.

We have such congeniality within our religious community that our ministers, priests and rabbis would never mention this holocaust amongst themselves or to their congregations. That wouldn't be the sensitive thing to do, so they all agree to avoid ever bringing it up.

We have a national media that continually defends Israel's wholesale war crimes. New York Times reporters were instructed not to use the words "genocide," "ethnic cleansing" or "occupied territory" when writing about Israel's massacrers. A similar directive must have been issued for the word "slaughter" which only gets applied to Hamas and not to the Israeli army.

We have have college and university presidents who fall all over themselves not to appear critical of Israel. They fire teachers who speak or write about this holocaust. They send in the cops to physically break up student groups that are demanding an end to apartheid and ethnic cleansing.

We have police departments that are more than willing to crack a few heads when students complain about free speech rights on campus. Chances are that at least some of their senior officials have been sent to Israel for "counterterrorism training." At least 1,000 top brass have taken part in such indoctrination, while thousands more have participated in US conferences run by Israeli security officials.

We have a political structure that is awash in large political donations. They are bribes, of course, like Sheldon Adelson's $20 million gift to the Republican Party that resulted in Trump moving the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. In legal terms this is called "quid-pro-quo," the oxygen of our completely corrupted two party system. Take a peek at how much the Israel Lobby is able to give to almost every member of Congress by looking at So many of our representatives are paid hundreds of thousands to look the other way while children are purposely starved to death in Gaza.

Our children or grandchildren will be asking about all this someday. How is it that you let our country commit a genocide? Didn't you know that millions of women and children were being slaughtered by Israel? Were you aware? How in God's name could you have done nothing?

Fred Nagel

Benefit of the Doubt

As a U.S. veteran, I have always given the benefit of the doubt to my country. The millions killed in Korea and Vietnam in the 1950s and 1960s just could have been the fault of US weapons makers, eager to trade body counts for corporate profits.

And then there were the millions slaughtered in the misguided U.S. invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan. Like the previous conflicts, the invasions were all based on dirty little lies about defending our country or spreading freedom to the Third World.

But America's unrelenting butchery in Gaza has nothing left to cover its war crimes. The Palestinian children are dying with no food, no water and no shelter from the storm. The empire has decided it needs these human sacrifices for some arcane geopolitical advantage. And the savagery is now going into its second year.

We are finally coming to realize that the empire and its grubby, bloodstained ally, Israel, are the true impediments to world peace. Most countries already know this, judging by the huge numbers of UN member states that castigate the US and Israel for their ongoing war crimes and crimes against humanity.

Only the American people stand in the way of the worst genocide since the Third Reich. It is a simple choice: demand an end to our country's mass murdering of children or become part of it. Insist that our venal Congress stop accepting millions in Israeli bribes, blood money that supports this most grotesque of all apartheid colonies.

Fred Nagel
8 Clay Ct.
Rhinebeck, NY 12572
845 430 4676