My uncle liberated Dachau

My uncle liberated Dachau at the end of WW II. After four years of combat, he had lost much of his emotional response to anything, a classic case of PTSD. Only once he did talk about the Dachau survivors and how hard it was to keep them alive. They were nothing but skin and bones.

My uncle was proud of what he did there. His army had done the right thing, and brought an end to the Third Reich and its nightmare of exterminations. At least he had that to comfort himself for all those years in a foxhole. He was on the right side of history.

How different our world is from his. Now the US is arming and funding an actual genocide in Gaza. Hoards of Palestinian children roam their cratered world, just looking for something to eat. They could be from Dachau, emaciated skeletons of their former selves. By the tens of thousands these Palestinian children bear witness to how our nation has gone from savior of the innocent to executioner.

My uncle wouldn't have believed it possible, that his beloved country could have turned into a champion of apartheid and genocide. He wouldn't have understood how the Israel Lobby was allowed to spend 36 million on the last election, much more than the "contributions" of even the US weapons makers ( He would find himself adrift in a world where money can buy one's soul. Where "never again" is a quaint reminder of a forgotten time.  

Fred Nagel

Trail of Tears

Bodily feelings sometimes go away, but always return with a bit more urgency. Like hunger, you can forget it for a while, but it invariably comes back stronger. That is what the children learn, as they are slowly starved to death by the US/Israel death machine.

I find that as I immerse myself in day to day events, this slaughter is always waiting to come back to me. Could the country I love be starving children to death by the thousands? By the tens of thousands? Their spindly arms and legs have that Buchenwald look. I can't bear the images that wait for me to close my eyes.

Once the children behind barbed wire fences appear to me, my mind starts a desperate search. Could my own country be murdering children like this? Could our own churches and synagogues be cheering on the extermination? Did we catch this endless warfare and charnel house slaughter from the Nazis?

Both political parties want this butchery. All the money we have is going into more bombs and planes. We can't get enough of it. We wave our flags, heedless of what our country is really doing. We sing "God Bless America," as if we had the right to ask our lord to celebrate the holocaust of this century.

Are we incapable of empathy? Is this life but a trail of tears, the name given to our very own ethnic cleansing and annihilation of the Cherokee Nation? Who on earth can protect the Palestinians from the barbarians?