Thank you, Eli

Eli has been a cohost on Activist Radio for about three years. He is taking a leave leave of absence for November and may rejoin the program in December. The time will allow him to pursue the issues he has talked about on the air, animal rights, vegetarianism, and meditation.

I have had a number of cohosts over the ten years that Activist Radio has been on the air. Each has brought in new and interesting ideas. But more than that, each has established a camaraderie of the left that I think has benefited our listening public. Here were two people who were not afraid to talk about a political revolution to reestablish our democracy. We were not afraid to attack the racism, exploitation and oppression so endemic in out kleptocratic form of government. Finally, we agreed that the United States is a military empire, whose existence now threatens all life on the planet. As Pete Seeger sings at the end of each show, "We will love, or we will perish."

So thank you, Eli, for a great run. I have appreciated your support these last several years, and will miss your skill as a commentator and provocateur. As David Rovicks sings in "After the Revolution" ...

The debts were all forgiven
In all the neo-colonies
And the soldiers left their bases
Went back to their families
And a non-aggression treaty
Was signed with every sovereign state
And all the terrorist groups disbanded
With no empire left to hate
And they all started planting olive trees
After the revolution